Trive Help Center
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Ready to assist anytime, anywhere
Is Trive regulated?
What is Forex?
What is Forex trading?
How does forex trading work?
Is Forex trading risky?
How to read Forex charts?
What is CFD trading?
How do CFDs work?
What are the advantages of CFDs?
What are the disadvantages of CFDs?
What are Commodities?
Why trade commodities?
How are the commodity prices determined?
How to trade commodities
What are indices?
How to trade indices
How to choose between indices?
What are the benefits of trading Indices?
What is Stock Trading?
How can I trade shares?
Why trade shares instead of buying?
What is dividend?
What are Cryptocurrencies?
Who sets cryptocurrency prices?
How to trade cryptocurrencies
Why trade cryptocurrencies instead of buying?
How can I open a live account?
Which documents do I need to open an account?
How can I upload documents?
How can I verify my account?
My account is suspended. How can I reactivate my account?
Can I get a demo account first?
What is the difference between the demo and live accounts?
How long can I use the demo account?
How many demo accounts I can open?
How to add funds to a demo account?
How can I log in to my Secured Client Area?
Which account types do you offer?
How can I change the account type?
Do you offer a swap-free account?
What is the difference between the demo and live accounts?
How can I change my personal data?
How can I change my email registered (Secure Client Area) password?
How can I change my Meta password?
How can I protect my account? How can I set “One time password” in MT4 and 2 FA in MT5?
How can I change my email registered (Secure Client Area) password?
Is there a cost of opening an account?
How can I change my email registered (Secure Client Area) password?
Does Trive apply maintenance fees to my Trive account?
Does Trive apply maintenance fees to my Trive account?
What does PAMM account mean? How can I open a PAMM account?
What is MAM? How can I open a MAM account?
Do I have to pay taxes on my profits?
How can I close my account?
I have a formal complaint.
Deposit & Withdrawal
How can I make a deposit?
What are the deposit and withdrawal methods available?
Does Trive charge any fees for deposits and withdrawals?
Where can I check my deposit and withdrawal history?
Can I deposit using Crypto?
The money I deposited from the bank is not reflected in the trading account. What can I do?
How can I make a withdrawal request?
Why has my withdrawal request been not processed yet?
How long does it take to receive the withdrawal funds?
Can I withdraw money while there is an open position in my account?
How do I cancel my withdrawal request?
What is the best method for deposit?
Is there an additional charge for credit card deposits?
What is the best method for withdrawals?
Can I make deposits to or withdrawals from a friend’s or relative’s account?
What is the maximum and minimum amount that I can deposit or withdraw?
How do I make internal transfers between my accounts?
Can I transfer funds from my account to another client’s trading account?
What are Forex trading hours?
Is Forex trading related to news?
What is Margin?
What is my margin level and how to calculate it?
What is leverage?
How can leverage be set on my trading account?
How can I change my leverage?
What is a spread in Forex trading?
How is the spread measured?
What kind of spreads are there in Forex trading?
Which one is better? Fixed or variable spreads?
What does swap mean?
How do I check the swap fee?
Why do I get charged a higher swap rate on Wednesdays and Fridays?
When is rollover time?
What is slippage in trading?
Can you help me with trading?
How to place a trade order?
What is the difference between a market order and a limit order?
What are limit and stop orders?
How do I place a stop-loss order?
What does the side (buy/sell) of orders mean?
Why was my order automatically stopped?
How can I report a trading complaint?
Can I go long and short on the same market, at the same time? And can I hedge?
Do you allow scalping?
Do you allow Expert Advisors?
Can I use my own signal providers with a Trive account?
Are Forex signals free?
Can I lose more than my deposit?
Do you have negative balance protection?
What is the best platform for me? MT4 or MT5?
How can I install MetaTrader on PC?
I can’t install the software. Are there other versions?
How can I access Meta Webtrader?
How can I install MetaTrader on mobile?
Why can't I find Metatrader 4/5 for download on my Android phone?
Can I trade on MT4 with an MT5 account?
How to add a new account on MT4/MT5? (PC)
How to add a new account on MT4/MT5 mobile?
Which trading instruments are available on MT4/MT5?
Why do I see the "invalid account" error message?
How can I change investor (read only) password?
What do these terms mean on platform: Balance, Equity, Margin?
Why can’t I trade a certain product?
What does an 'off-quote' message mean?
How do I add/hide products in MetaTrader 4/5?
Why can't I find a product in MetaTrader 4/5 on my smartphone?
Why are the symbols(product) on my MT4/5 on PC greyed out and unable to be traded?
Why my commodities/index future positions were closed?
How can I open a new chart window on Metatrader?
How can I save platform profile settings?
How to add automated trading robots, called Expert Advisors (EA)?
What is Copy Trading?
What is Social Trading?
Campaigns & Promotions
What types of promotions do you offer?
How can I participate in your promotions?
Are there any terms and conditions associated with your promotions?
How do I claim my promotional rewards?
How can I install MetaTrader on mobile?
Can I combine multiple promotions or offers?
What happens if I encounter any issues or have questions about promotions?
What is an Introducing Broker (IB)?
How do I become an IB (Introducing Broker) with you?
How do I access to IB portal?
How to get the registration links to send to my clients?
What criteria do you pay for IBs? And what period of payment?
How to become an affiliate?
Are there other partnership options?